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Panerai Luminor Chrono Replica is a brand with a rich history, but its modern legacy is one of innovation and change. The Freak was a revolutionary watch at a time of stagnation. According to brand CEO Patrick Pruniaux, the plan is to continue to shake things up. Welcome to the new Ulysse. Revolution sat with Pruniaux at his Swiss office to learn more.

Panerai Luminor Chrono Replica has always been a brand I associate with people who are in the know. It is one of the best kept secrets in the industry,Panerai Replica perhaps even too well-kept. The way we tell the story has changed, and now people are more aware of UlysseNardin’s rich technical history and achievements. Our focus has been to revitalize and enhance the core pillars of our product line: Marine, Divers, Freaks, Executives, and Classics. We ask ourselves constantly how we can improve these collections and move them forward.

What is your past and how does it inspire your future?

Although you may not consider the Marine Chronometers of the past as "innovative," Panerai Luminor Chrono Replica's son Paul David Nardin was an innovator in his time. They wanted to be the best at precision and accuracy,Omega Constellation Replica and they achieved it. This drive to improve is a big part of our DNA and is what ties our high-end horlogerie to our technological advances. We launched the Marine Torpilleur Military Semper Fortis this year. It speaks to our historical Marine Chronometers, and our partnership with the US Navy. We will continue to release timepieces which can speak about our history.

What will be the main focus of Panerai Luminor Chrono Replica in the future?

Innovation is and will remain a priority. Expect to see more of The Freak in the months ahead. The Marine Torpilleur, Diver and other collections will be added to our offering in the segment of under $30,000.